If you ever switched payroll software providers, how much time the implantation took?

Started on 20 October 2023

If you ever switched payroll software providers, how much time the implantation took?

6 months to a year
1 to 6 months
More than a year
Other (Share in the comments)
Poll ended 31 December 2023
55 votes


Debbie Dykstra
Debbie Dykstra
Member since Sep 2022
October 24, 2023 at 14:18

First one took 16 months and then we did other phases in as little as 8 months – these implementations were highly complex with many union agreements (all different)

11 months ago
October 24, 2023 at 16:42

Thanks for sharing your experience, Debbie!

11 months ago
Patricia Larabie
Patricia Larabie
Member since Dec 2023
December 29, 2023 at 09:23

Have been a part of many implementations… the most memorable one was one where from start to finish was done within the year due to systems not being Y2K compliant and in the middle of the implementation, the software company was bought out by another company. Still a success, thanks to an amazing project manager.

8 months ago
Denise Burnett
Denise Burnett
Member since Apr 2022
January 23, 2024 at 13:20

This is good information to have. We will be hopefully transitioning to a new platform this year and they told us that a good implementation process should take no less than a year. I think management wants it done sooner but I worry things will get missed and we won’t be as thorough if we try to rush the process.

8 months ago
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