How equitable would you say your company is in terms of opportunities for women in the workplace?

Started on 18 October 2023

How equitable would you say your company is in terms of opportunities for women in the workplace?

Very equitable
On the road to equity
We have a long way to go
Not sure
Poll ended 31 December 2023
74 votes


Martina Heine, PLP
Martina Heine, PLP
Member since Sep 2022
October 19, 2023 at 17:48

Very equitable.

11 months ago
Heather Shaw
Heather Shaw
Member since May 2022
November 7, 2023 at 18:05

I am lucky to work in a unionized, predominately female organization. Unions keep things equitable.

10 months ago
Denise Burnett
Denise Burnett
Member since Apr 2022
January 11, 2024 at 09:19

My organization is mostly women and the entire leadership team is female. It is a great example of women empowering women. It is a great environment to work.

8 months ago
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