It is difficult to find an appropriate time to take vacation. Organizations are busy and trying to be as efficient as possible and this sometimes means that people have larger than reasonable workloads. It’s important for leaders to be aware of the work that their team members are doing and helping to eliminate the “clutter” work – the stuff that perhaps we are doing that no longer adds value to the organization or the bottom line.
It is difficult to find an appropriate time to take vacation. Organizations are busy and trying to be as efficient as possible and this sometimes means that people have larger than reasonable workloads. It’s important for leaders to be aware of the work that their team members are doing and helping to eliminate the “clutter” work – the stuff that perhaps we are doing that no longer adds value to the organization or the bottom line.
1 year agoThis is so true. Thanks for your comment, Lisa!
1 year agoTaking time off is essential. You can’t work at your full capacity if your tank is half full. It’s better for staff and for the organization.
1 year ago