What is your reminder system?

  • Stacey Wood PCPStacey Wood PCP
    Advocates Council

      Both payroll & HR are very date-driven functions. What do you use to track dates/deadlines? Outlook calendar reminders? Post-it notes? Software or an app?

      Share your system & how well it works (or doesn’t) for you!

      June 15, 2023 at 09:48
    • Caitlin Henderson, PCPCaitlin Henderson, PCP
      Advocates Council

        I use outlook calendar reminders that are also synced to my personal phone to help me when booking medical appointments or selecting vacation days.

        June 15, 2023 at 10:07
      • Jenna GuyJenna Guy
        Member since Sep 2022

          Hey Stacey! Are you using a payroll or HCM solution today with any automated workflows? I know our Payroll Manager uses a combination of Outlook and automation to make sure nothing gets missed. This includes everything from processing payroll to onboarding new hires.

          Automation can take care of a lot, but there’s always data to double-check, especially on things like timesheets and deductions. That’s where blocking time off/setting up reminders in the calendar is helpful.

          July 5, 2023 at 13:00
        • Denise BurnettDenise Burnett
          Member since Apr 2022

            We use Outlook for the majority of our reminders. We also have an Excel database that has built in triggers for specific functions (notifying of staff probationary period ending, or the end of a contract). Our current payroll system does not have that functionality but when we bring on a new system (hopefully for 2024), I am hoping that some of those triggers can be built into it.

            July 12, 2023 at 12:17
          • Maria ChengMaria Cheng
            Member since Apr 2023

              I use Outlook calendar to track all my appointments and deadlines. It works well for me.

              July 21, 2023 at 19:49
            • Anonymous

                I use Outlook but I love to be old school as well to have a to do list in my desk

                July 26, 2023 at 20:33
              • Jana McLeanJana McLean
                Member since Apr 2022

                  Outlook and I future date emails to myself all the time. And still old school with my daily paper to do list

                  July 27, 2023 at 12:47
                • Laura KellLaura Kell
                  Member since Apr 2022

                    All the above 🙂

                    July 27, 2023 at 14:21
                  • Harman Dhatt PCPHarman Dhatt PCP
                    Member since Sep 2022

                      I use Outlook, but my brain is very good at reminding me of any deadlines.

                      August 2, 2023 at 17:23
                    • Jennifer JensenJennifer Jensen
                      Member since Sep 2022

                        I use Microsoft To do, you can set up recurring reminders which I love. I also use workflows from our payroll system

                        November 2, 2023 at 21:03
                      • Rita RaposoRita Raposo
                        Member since Jun 2022

                          I use Outlook Tasks. The thing I like about the Tasks is that you can re-assign them to another employee.

                          November 8, 2023 at 13:42
                        • Giovanni SteaGiovanni Stea
                          Member since Sep 2022

                            I use Outlook calendar reminders. I also color code depending on the type of meeting. I also set Alerts accordingly. If I have a meeting on another floor, I will allow myself some time to get there on time.

                            November 8, 2023 at 14:43
                          • Mark VaxmanMark Vaxman
                            Member since Oct 2023

                              I use outlook primarily

                              November 13, 2023 at 18:45
                            • Zvi VaxmanZvi Vaxman
                              Member since Oct 2023

                                Outlook calendar reminders for me

                                November 16, 2023 at 09:56
                              • Kirsty MaddenKirsty Madden
                                Member since Jun 2022

                                  I utilize my outlook task lists and reminders attached to specific emails that need to be followed up on. Keeps me organized and I can file away emails into subfolders without having to keep everything in my inbox.

                                  November 22, 2023 at 08:06
                                • Winnie FengWinnie Feng
                                  Member since Nov 2023

                                    I use Outlook calendar and the To do for reminders.

                                    November 24, 2023 at 13:15
                                  • Nicole Forbes PLPNicole Forbes PLP
                                    Member since Sep 2022

                                      All of the above but mainly outlook calendar and tasks. Also checklist for small projects.

                                      January 24, 2024 at 16:22
                                    • Kirsty MaddenKirsty Madden
                                      Member since Jun 2022

                                        I’m all about my Outlook task list and calendar reminders…have so many as ongoing recurrences to for monthly/quarterly/annually tasks too. Helps relieve the “brain burden” from ensuring you don’t miss anything.

                                        January 25, 2024 at 08:13
                                      • Lisa LocherLisa Locher
                                        Member since Sep 2022

                                          I use my outlook calendar for many reminders. I also have invested in an Apple Watch, so it taps me on the wrist when I need to be reminded.

                                          February 18, 2024 at 14:14
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