Total Rewards Strategy

  • Neetu DaneNeetu Dane
    Member since Sep 2022

      If you feel your organizations is a leader in Total Rewards strategies, what are they doing differently then your competitors?
      On the flip side, what perks, rewards and/or recognition do you feel your organization could/should offer to attract and retain top talent?

      I would love to connect and have a roundtable discussion.

      August 23, 2023 at 14:18
    • Denise BurnettDenise Burnett
      Member since Apr 2022

        I feel a valuable benefit we have in organization is the level of flexibility in regards to time off, working from home, banking time. Flexibility and work/life balance are key to supporting staff and retaining valuable team members.

        August 25, 2023 at 16:56
        • Neetu DaneNeetu Dane
          Member since Sep 2022

            Thank you for sharing your insights. We are living in a complex period where we need to be highly flexible while ensuring we are fair and compliant in our DEI.

            September 7, 2023 at 16:23
        • Michelle HarrisMichelle Harris
          Member since Sep 2022

            We are local government, so it is hard to compete especially when it comes to collective agreements. We do offer remote working, 2week/3 week/compressed work week schedules (which is an administrative nightmare for payroll…lol) we have paid family leave, bereavement leave, emergency leave and our benefits are amazing~~~!

            August 31, 2023 at 10:45
            • Neetu DaneNeetu Dane
              Member since Sep 2022

                Love to hear how well you benefits and flexibility are evolving, especially with collective agreements in place. What is the one thing your employees keep asking for?

                September 7, 2023 at 16:26
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