Timesheet programs research

  • Diane VandenbergDiane Vandenberg
    Member since Jun 2023

      I am just sourcing/researching various timesheet programs to utilize(integrate) with my Sage payroll module…what questions should I be asking? What obstacles should I expect? Love to hear about your trials & tribulation wisdom…TIA!

      June 21, 2023 at 12:55
    • Jenna GuyJenna Guy
      Member since Sep 2022

        Hey Diane! Such a great question. I think the biggest concern when you’re looking to integrate an ERP with a time and attendance solution is data accuracy. If these aren’t natively integrated, you’ll likely be using APIs or custom integrations to determine how data flows between them.

        Here are some questions I would ask to dig into that with your preferred vendors:

        Is there a pre-configured integration available?
        If a custom integration is required, who is responsible for building it and what are the costs associated?
        If the integration uses APIs, are there limitations on API calls?
        What data will sync from the workforce management tool to Sage?

        If you want to chat more about time and attendance requirements, let me know! Happy to help 🙂

        Good luck with your search!

        July 5, 2023 at 12:49
      • Kathryn HillKathryn Hill
        Advocates Council

          Diane, I used a great timesheet product called Pacific Timesheet. I was able to have employees around the world (Canada, US, Germany, AU. using the same product, even with different stat holidays, different vacation policies etc. Our IT was able to easily integrate this product with our Finance / HR System. Feel free to reach out to me if you want to talk more. Send me an email at kathyhill@rogers.com if you want to do a zoom call. The product was very useful in tracking over 10,000 engineering product codes so this helped in making SRED claims in Canada.

          July 5, 2023 at 17:41
          • Michelle HarrisMichelle Harris
            Member since Sep 2022

              Kathryn, what is the annual /monthly support cost ?

              July 6, 2023 at 11:08
              • Kathryn HillKathryn Hill
                Advocates Council

                  Jenna, I cannot remember the cost but I suggest you just reach out to Pacific Timesheet to ask for a quote. A really neat feature of this system is that it had a great employee expense module so employees around the world could submit an on-line expense claim even in different currencies like Canadian, AU, US and German. This allowed Finance to have things coded directly to valid expense codes. I believe the costs were a set $ per user. We were then able to reimburse employees on the pay run using a non taxable field. This would make a payment directly to their bank accounts and save some time for finance staff. The system was very user friendly and was truly customizable to various groups e.g. Finance Team, Software Team, Technical Support Team. We even had shift codes and various work weeks, e.g. 37.50, 30.00, 24.00 hours per week. The employer is able to make all kinds of changes to the parameters.

                  July 8, 2023 at 19:12
                • Kathryn HillKathryn Hill
                  Advocates Council

                    We also used this system to track all employee vacation, sick leave allotments and usage. We would allocate an amount each year and every time the employee booked a vacation day the system would reduce the balance. This would also prevent an employee from booking too many vacation or sick days. The system provided great reports and IT was able to integrate it to our ERP system. This also helped with vacation accrual year end reporting. Reach out to me if you want to ask me specific questions.

                    July 8, 2023 at 19:18
                    • Michelle HarrisMichelle Harris
                      Member since Sep 2022

                        Thanks so much for the information !!!

                        July 14, 2023 at 16:20
                        • Kathryn HillKathryn Hill
                          Advocates Council

                            I hope you find a great timesheet system for your company. Reach out anytime if youhave a question.

                            July 14, 2023 at 17:43
                            • Michelle HarrisMichelle Harris
                              Member since Sep 2022

                                thanks we have a multi allocation water department so I’m hoping to find a system that will do descending time when
                                they go to enter in their days

                                July 14, 2023 at 18:21
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