New Year – looking forward

  • Denise BurnettDenise Burnett
    Member since Apr 2022

      What exciting things, events, goals are you looking forward to in 2024?

      January 2, 2024 at 09:27
    • Denise BurnettDenise Burnett
      Member since Apr 2022

        A few things I am looking forward to this year are:
        My oldest daughter going to university this fall…I am excited to see what this next chapter brings for her (excited and anxious about it)
        A trip with my husband this summer to celebrate his 50th birthday – riding motorbikes through the Alps in France, Switzerland, Austria, and Italy
        My oldest niece’s baby coming in July
        Implementing a new payroll system this year (fingers crossed)

        January 2, 2024 at 09:31
      • Kirsty MaddenKirsty Madden
        Member since Jun 2022

          I’m a tad jealous of your trip this summer!!!!

          I’m looking forward to my youngest graduating college this spring and taking both my boys to London England as his graduation trip…and also going to see Take That while there!

          Professionally, I am looking at getting my Certified Compensation Professional designation.

          January 2, 2024 at 09:50
          • Denise BurnettDenise Burnett
            Member since Apr 2022

              That sounds like a pretty great trip you’re taking too! Congrats to your youngest on graduating this spring. And good luck with completing your CCP designation!

              January 2, 2024 at 13:31
            • Caitlin Henderson, PCPCaitlin Henderson, PCP
              Advocates Council

                I am a tad jealous of both your trips! We have no trips planned 😔Maybe we will need to get some in the calendar!

                January 3, 2024 at 10:22
            • Caitlin Henderson, PCPCaitlin Henderson, PCP
              Advocates Council

                I am hopeful for a peaceful 2024, we have had a tumultuous few years personally, professionally and globally. I am looking forward to making our New Years Resolutions habits!

                January 2, 2024 at 10:14
              • Maureen Niittynen, PCPMaureen Niittynen, PCP
                Advocates Council

                  I am looking forward to building my team up this year. Last year was very difficult with almost complete turn-over in my department. My new team is learning together and together we are making constant improvements. Work life balance for all of us is my number priority.

                  January 24, 2024 at 08:43
                  • Denise BurnettDenise Burnett
                    Member since Apr 2022

                      All the best with those challenges Maureen. It sounds like you have a good perspective on it. We are working on that in our organization as well. We had a merger in January 2020, then the pandemic hit, everyone’s roles changed and remote work became a thing, temporary staff doubled our numbers, and any momentum or connection were lost. Now that the dust has settled, we have to rebuild teams and try to complete the process of merging two organizations, all with staff that feel exhausted and disconnected. It’ll be a long process I’m sure.

                      January 25, 2024 at 08:52
                  • Maureen Niittynen, PCPMaureen Niittynen, PCP
                    Advocates Council

                      I also have a trip to look forward to this year. In 2020 we were supposed to go to Las Vegas to celebrate my 50th however Covid stopped us.
                      We are leaving in a month to go to Las Vegas, Arizona and then finishing in New Orleans. I am very mush looking forward to experiencing these states as all three of these places are on my bucket list.

                      January 24, 2024 at 08:46
                      • Denise BurnettDenise Burnett
                        Member since Apr 2022

                          That sounds amazing! Vegas is so much fun and New Orleans is my favourite! Bourbon Street is a bit much (especially later at night) but the rest of the French Quarter is so cool…the Garden District is awesome too. The city is just so full of music, life, and history. I would definitely go back. Arizona is definitely on my bucket list. I hope you have a wonderful time!

                          January 25, 2024 at 08:46
                      • Michelle HarrisMichelle Harris
                        Member since Sep 2022

                          Hopefully a trip to Italy!!

                          April 5, 2024 at 12:07
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