New Boxes added to the T4 & T4A slips for National Dental Plan

  • Nicole Forbes PLPNicole Forbes PLP
    Member since Sep 2022

      New Boxes added to the T4 & T4A slips for National Dental Plan

      The company I currently work for administers the Benefits Plan. Payroll falls understand the finance department. Unfortunately, I have been facing challenges in obtaining support and cooperation from our HR department. I can’t even get them to agreed to meet to discuss the new T4 Box 45 and T4A Box 015 will get populates.

      I am seeking advice or insights from anyone who has encountered a similar situation or has any suggestion on how to engage HR is addressing this new and mandatory government requirement.

      September 19, 2023 at 11:03
    • Stacey Wood PCPStacey Wood PCP
      Advocates Council

        I believe that once something is “officially” announced at the Federal level (it’s currently burried within a budget), it should just be a case of advising HR that it’s a Federal requirement now (providing with the announcement or link to this). That department will need to provide the data required–having the directive from CRA should (in theory at least) be all that’s needed to get the ball rolling.

        I’m watching for that official CRA notification myself. 😉

        September 21, 2023 at 14:22
      • Lanelle BerardiLanelle Berardi
        Member since Sep 2022

          Typical to have it still in limbo for the last quarter of the year. Our Payroll provided Ceridian has not even addressed it fully as they are waiting on the CRA. I’d like to have clear answers on how to proceed before the end of the year, as January & February are very busy

          September 29, 2023 at 13:13
        • Nicole Forbes PLPNicole Forbes PLP
          Member since Sep 2022

            New from CRA


            Box 45 – Employer-offered dental benefits Slips filed for calendar year 2023 and after
            Box 16A – Employee’s second CPP contributions (CPP2) Slips filed for calendar year 2024 and after
            Box 17A – Employee’s second QPP contributions (QPP2) Slips filed for calendar year 2024 and after

            October 18, 2023 at 13:14
          • Sherry BuddSherry Budd
            Member since Sep 2023

              I did contact NPI as I had questions as well regarding eligibility coding. I was advised that in our case it was all code 3 except for the following:
              Employees who are still serving their waiting period @ December 31st would be a code 1
              All terminated employees @December 31st would be a code 1.

              Still waiting for my payroll software provider (Sage 300) to provide information as to how and where to enter this data.
              Hope that this helps!

              In your case, HR must provide you with the data, I would send them an email requesting the necessary information so that you can do your job.

              October 26, 2023 at 10:16
                Member since Jan 2024

                  Thank you, this has been very helpful. I don’t believe, a lot of people are aware and all T4 Slips are being issued with Code 3 (with dental plan) for All employees

                  I will also add for Employees who work ‘Part time’ are not eligible to get the dental coverage even there is plan at work.

                  January 6, 2024 at 15:13
              • Winnie FengWinnie Feng
                Member since Nov 2023

                  Hi Nicole, you may request the access of your benefits providers account, so that you can find your information you need.

                  November 24, 2023 at 13:20
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