International Self-Care Day

  • Stacey Wood PCPStacey Wood PCP
    Advocates Council

      Yesterday (July 24) was International Self-Care Day.

      What does “self-care” look like for you? It can be as different & varied as the person describing it!

      July 25, 2023 at 08:38
    • Stacey Wood PCPStacey Wood PCP
      Advocates Council

        For me, self-care is about listening to what I need, so it changes often–sometimes that could be a long strenuous hike thru the bush, other times it could be just sitting outdoors in the fresh air & sunshine.

        July 25, 2023 at 08:40
      • Lucie BerubeLucie Berube
        Member since Mar 2023

          For me it’s being in the bush, listening to the birds, swimming, kayaking, 4 wheeling – basically the bush is my zen 🙂

          July 27, 2023 at 15:43
        • Michelle HarrisMichelle Harris
          Member since Sep 2022

            Taking time for yourself… I finally read a novel for the first time in 5 years front to back… not school…no work… just a cheesy novel 🙂

            August 3, 2023 at 18:30
          • Denise BurnettDenise Burnett
            Member since Apr 2022

              Filling up your own well so that you have the resources so you can help others fill up their own.

              August 8, 2023 at 11:00
            • Debbie DykstraDebbie Dykstra
              Member since Sep 2022

                It is being able to exercise consistently. Sometimes life gets in the way of my exercise routine and when I get back to it, I realize how important it is to my self-care and how grumpy I am when I’m not exercising in some way.

                August 10, 2023 at 17:23
              • Harman Dhatt PCPHarman Dhatt PCP
                Member since Sep 2022

                  Self-care refers to intentional actions and practices individuals engage in to promote their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It involves recognizing and addressing personal needs, reducing stress, and maintaining a healthy balance in life. This can include exercise, relaxation, mindfulness, healthy eating, socializing, and setting boundaries to ensure overall health and vitality. I personally prefer to read short stories especially fictional stories.

                  August 15, 2023 at 18:04
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