Favourite Holiday Tradition

  • Denise BurnettDenise Burnett
    Member since Apr 2022

      Hopefully everyone has the opportunity to take some time off during the holidays to relax, rejuvenate, and spend time with friends and family. What are your favourite holiday traditions?

      December 4, 2023 at 09:51
    • Caitlin Henderson, PCPCaitlin Henderson, PCP
      Advocates Council

        Christmas Baking and the Kindness Angel. We do not celebrate Christmas with Santa and when “Elf on the Shelf” came out our daughter felt excluded at school. Every morning after attendance the kids would all sit on the carpet and share what their elf had done that morning. So, we invented the Kindness Angel who hides somewhere in the house with a random act of kindness for the kids to complete that day. It is so much fun and they look forward to finding her every day, their favourite act of Kindness is “Feed the Ducks”.

        December 4, 2023 at 11:34
        • Denise BurnettDenise Burnett
          Member since Apr 2022

            I absolutely the kindess angel idea! I wish I had thought of that when my kids were little. We didn’t do elf on the shelf either; fortunately my girls weren’t too upset by it, but I think it has grown in popularity since then, especially with social media. And I love Christmas baking as well…it’s just hard to not indulge on everything I bake, but tis the season!

            December 4, 2023 at 12:54
        • Kirsty MaddenKirsty Madden
          Member since Jun 2022

            Christmas Eve is reserved for my immediate family…no driving, no visiting, just an evening for us to enjoy together. We watch It’s a Wonderful Life, have some hors d’oeurves and just spending a quiet evening together.
            I also make chocolate dipped twizzlers and super nibs for my entire extended family each year…god forbid I should skip a year…pretty sure I would be disowned!

            December 5, 2023 at 10:35
            • Denise BurnettDenise Burnett
              Member since Apr 2022

                It’s so important to prioritize immediately family and take time to slow things down and enjoy the moments…they go by too fast as it is. We do the same.
                I would absolutely want you to keep providing yummy treats like that too ;o) It’s nice to be known for something great and have a tradition of your own.

                December 5, 2023 at 13:49
            • Stacey Wood PCPStacey Wood PCP
              Advocates Council

                I make batches & batches of fudge to give away–a tradition started decades ago by my Dad. He & I were the only ones who got to make the treats. It’s a great way to keep him close (& I rarely have trouble finding people to give homemade fudge to!).

                Something my husband & I do is our Day 1 Hike. January 1, we start the new year with a hike (or snowshoe) through the bush. It’s a great way to refocus for the upcoming year, forest-bathing. 😁

                December 12, 2023 at 11:14
                • Caitlin Henderson, PCPCaitlin Henderson, PCP
                  Advocates Council

                    I love the hike tradition, maybe I can convince my family of this too!

                    December 13, 2023 at 10:00
                  • Denise BurnettDenise Burnett
                    Member since Apr 2022

                      I am a huge fan of fudge. Love it! It’s great to be able to keep up with traditions and keep memories close. And I love the Day 1 Hike idea. Starting the year getting back to nature is brilliant!

                      December 14, 2023 at 08:42
                  • Leslie AlbrightLeslie Albright
                    Member since Mar 2023

                      Everyone receives a new type of advent calendar.

                      December 14, 2023 at 18:27
                      • Denise BurnettDenise Burnett
                        Member since Apr 2022

                          I have to up my advent calendar game now that my kids are getting older. Any good suggestions?

                          December 15, 2023 at 10:12
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