CPA Ontario and Quebec CPA Order detached from CPA Canada

  • Community ManagerCommunity Manager
    Community Manager

      Two of CPA’s Canada provincial counterparts (CPA Ontario and the Quebec CPA Order) have decided to part ways with the national body amid disagreements over how best to govern the profession.

      Do you think this decision will benefit or undermine the professionals in these provinces?

      July 21, 2023 at 13:14
    • Gail MacphersonGail Macpherson
      Member since Jun 2022

        I don’t have enough information to provide an educated opinion. I would need to hear both sides of the disagreement before offering my opinion.

        July 27, 2023 at 15:01
      • Kathryn HillKathryn Hill
        Advocates Council

          Dan, I achieved my CGA designation in 1992 and I truly appreciated it when the multiple accounting designations (CA, CMA. CGA) merged together as it levelled the playing field. In the past certain accounting designations could only do certain things (e.g. sign audit statements). I am disappointed that this merger is now starting to unravel as it will once again cause confusion for clients. I believe this change will not benefit anyone. Kathryn Hill, BA, CPA, CGA, FCPA (FNPI)

          July 28, 2023 at 00:19
        • Denise BurnettDenise Burnett
          Member since Apr 2022

            It may cause a disconnect for professionals if there is not consensus on how to operate within the profession. It doesn’t seem like this would be a positive change.

            August 16, 2023 at 09:27
          • Kirsty MaddenKirsty Madden
            Member since Jun 2022

              I think this will negatively impact payroll professionals, especially those who are responsible for multiple provinces. There is great potential for inconsistent messaging to it’s members.

              August 16, 2023 at 12:41
            • Stacey Wood PCPStacey Wood PCP
              Advocates Council

                I can’t imagine this being beneficial–you have professionals who are responsible for multiple jurisdictions. Seems like the split wuold make it more difficult to access current/accurate information, support, etc.

                August 17, 2023 at 09:34
              • Maria ChengMaria Cheng
                Member since Apr 2023

                  I think this move will create more confusions to the public. When people hire an accountant, they must be more careful in defining the responsibilites to avoid future arguments.

                  August 26, 2023 at 14:51
                • Andrea MangiardiAndrea Mangiardi
                  Member since Aug 2023

                    As a CPA Ontario member I am really confused about this. I do not have much information on the subject, but in general I don’t understand how it would be beneficial for Ontario and Quebec to part ways from the National body. I believe that having the whole country as part of the same body it makes everything more standardized and allows for more movement and less confusion among the provinces from both the client side and the member side.

                    August 30, 2023 at 07:54
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