Recruitment Obstacles

“Finding qualified talent is recruiting’s long-standing challenge, and the pandemic didn’t change that. By the end of 2020, 40% of U.S. companies were saying they had open positions for which they couldn’t find qualified candidates. Now, in 2021, 61% of recruiters say their top challenge when it comes to finding technical talent is finding a qualified candidate,” according to Lauren Shufran.

Even though the pandemic put a strain on the recruitment processes, not all of its challenges result from the health crisis. According to Nikoleta Bika, these are the eight most typical challenges in the recruitment process and some ideas to tackle these issues.

  1. Attracting the right candidates

    If you’ve ever tried to discover the right candidate in a pool full of unqualified talent, you’ll know that your options are limited. You’ll choose the best person you can find at the time—not the best fit for the job. But it’s not always about the number of candidates who apply; the best way to hire the right people is often from a smaller pipeline of more qualified talent. Be clear about the requirements in your job ads and give a concise view of the role. Learn how to create a successful job ad with these tips .

  2. Engaging qualified candidates

    Good candidates are often contacted regularly by recruiters, making it harder for your own email to stand out. Before contacting a passive candidate, research what motivates them and what makes them happy in their job. With this knowledge, personalize your sourcing emails to describe what you can offer them instead of what they can do for your company.

  3. Hiring fast

    Hiring teams want to hire as fast as possible, because vacant positions cost money and delay operations. Yet, depending on your industry, making a hire can take several months putting pressure on recruiters and frustrating hiring teams. Look at your hiring process and ask yourself: are all the hiring stages really required? Are we looking in the right places to fill our candidate pipelines? Do we communicate quickly with candidates and with each other?

  4. Using data-driven recruitment

    Companies can use recruitment data and metrics to constantly improve their recruiting process and make more informed decisions. But collecting and processing data can be a hassle. You can store data and export helpful reports using systems like an Applicant Tracking System (ATS), Google Analytics or recruitment marketing software. Have a conversation with senior management to settle on a few metrics that make sense to you and your company. For example, Sales Revenue, Cost of Customer Acquisition, Customer Loyalty/Retention, Monthly Website Traffic, etc.

  5. Building a strong employer brand

    A good employer brand helps you attract and engage better candidates. Organizations that invest in employer branding are three times more likely to make a quality hire. Always reply (courteously) to online reviews – bad and good. Give your coworkers the means to tell their story about their work and what they like.

  6. Ensuring a good candidate experience

    Candidate experience isn’t only important for employer branding, but it’s also a factor when your best candidates evaluate your job offers. The way you treat candidates during the hiring process mirrors how you’ll treat them after hiring. Set expectations for communication: tell candidates when they should expect to hear from you and, if you have an ATS, set reminders and use email templates to follow through with that promise.

  7. Recruiting fairly

    Many companies struggle to attract and hire diverse candidates, and unconscious biases are often why. Apart from your legal obligations to provide equal opportunities, hiring objectively is good for business because it helps you hire the best person for the job without stereotypes interfering.

  8. Creating an efficient recruiting process

    Hiring teams need to communicate fast, evaluate candidates quickly, and get contracts signed with top talent before competitors. Recruiters are tasked with coordinating all this communication, and it’s not always a breeze. Consider investing in an ATS that helps your team coordinate and see the status of the hiring process at a glance. This system will let your team leave evaluations and view each other’s comments.

“2022 is undoubtedly going to be full of recruitment challenges. Talent shortage, issues with attracting employees, and problems connected to introducing remote work as a staple are going to be the main ones we will have to tackle. Make sure you acknowledge them now so that they don’t become a bigger problem down the line,” suggests Sylwia Green.

What are the recruitment challenges you struggle with the most? Tell us in the comments section below.  

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