Thank you for your interest in being on the 17th Floor Board of Advisors (BOA)!

Board of Advisors

Before you fill out the form below, here is a little information on what it means to be a member of the Board of Advisors.

You will be in the heart of the community, a mentor for your peers and an advocate of the practice of human capital management. 


  • You will help mentor the community by:
    • Sharing your industry experiences and expertise through content: writing articles, making videos, participating in panel discussions, adding new resources... (minimum of one piece of content per quarter)
    • Being active on the site through engagement: commenting, answering forum questions (connect and engage on the platform at least once a week)
    • Facilitate peer-to-peer connections

  • Provide valuable feedback and suggestions on the platform: technology, functionality, content ideas, new features

Why be
part of
the boa?

  • Be a thought leader amongst your peer
  • Be the community's voice and representative in Human Capital Management
  • Get access to special events, webinars and prizes
  • Develop a network across industries and professions to advance your personal knowledge and business value
  • Have unique access to the community's sponsor National Payroll Institute's support team and marketing personnel

BOA Member Application Form

Please login or register to apply for the 2023 Board of Advisors. Thank you