Around for the long haul: The role of payroll in driving employee satisfaction and retention

As a payroll professional, employees rely on you. On a fundamental level, when people don’t have…

Generations in the workplace: Who they are, understanding their differences and embracing the inevitable

As more Gen Zs enter the workforce while Boomer’s exit, the traditional dynamics, boundaries and hierarchies…

Red light, green light: Understanding AI and automation at the intersection of payroll, human resources and finance

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation forces many organizations to remain in a…

The intersection of HR, payroll & finance in financial wellness

Current economic outlooks, housing affordability issues, inflation and food prices, which have risen by 28 per…

Use it or lose it: Dealing with leftover vacation days as year-end approaches

Unused vacation days can pile up like those tangled holiday lights you just pulled out of…

Supporting Employees Through Financial Stress: How HCM Can Help Tackle Money Worries in 2025

As we head into 2025, financial worries are affecting many employees. For HCM professionals, understanding what’s…

New year, new you: Professional goal setting for next year and beyond

At the end of the year, it's common to take a personal and professional inventory. Many…

Embracing the calm before the storm: How HCM professionals can get ahead of year-end challenges

Year-end can be a drastically different experience depending on the role you occupy within your organization.…

Making a more accessible workplace

Sometimes, we want to change, but the task can seem overwhelming or too big to tackle,…