Effective leadership is pivotal in driving organizational success in the dynamic business world. While technical expertise and strategic thinking are crucial, a leader's ability to understand and manage emotions is equally important.
"It’s called emotional intelligence and accounts for nearly 90% of what sets high performers apart from peers with similar technical skills and knowledge," explains Lauren Landry.
It is clear that emotional intelligence is a crucial attribute in leadership. To develop it and take advantage of the great benefits it can bring an organization, it is necessary to work on its four core components: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. However, what exactly is emotional intelligence, and what real advantages emotionally intelligent leaders can bring to business productivity? Find the answers with our Emotional Intelligence Guide for Leaders!
What Is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional intelligence refers to the capacity to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others. It involves self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and practical interpersonal skills. Leaders with high emotional intelligence can perceive and control emotions in a way that positively influences their interactions and decision-making.
4 Components of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
According to Lauren Landry, four main elements make leaders emotionally intelligent: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.
1. Self-Awareness
Self-awareness is at the core of everything. It describes each person's ability to understand their strengths and weaknesses and recognize emotions and their effect on them and their team’s performance.
One easy way for leaders to assess their self-awareness is by completing 360-degree feedback, in which they evaluate their performance and then match it up against the opinions of their boss, peers, and direct reports. Through this process, leaders can gain insights into their behaviour and discover how they are perceived in the organization.
2. Self-Management
Self-management refers to managing your emotions, particularly in stressful situations, and maintaining a positive outlook despite setbacks. Leaders who lack self-management tend to react and struggle to control their impulses.
A reaction tends to be automatic. However, the more in tune the leader is with their emotional intelligence, the easier it is to transition from reaction to response. It's essential to pause, breathe, collect oneself, and do whatever it takes to manage these emotions—whether taking a walk or calling a friend—to more appropriately and intentionally respond to stress and adversity.
3. Social Awareness
While leaders must understand and manage their own emotions, they also need to know how to read a room. Social awareness describes the ability to recognize others’ emotions and the dynamics in play within the organization.
Leaders who excel in social awareness practice empathy. They strive to understand their colleagues’ feelings and perspectives, which enables them to communicate and collaborate more effectively with their peers.
4. Relationship Management
Relationship management refers to the ability to influence, coach, and mentor others and resolve conflict effectively. Some prefer to avoid conflict, but it’s crucial to properly address issues as they arise.
Leaders must have tough conversations if they want to keep their team happy. In a survey by the Society for Human Resource Management, 72% of employees ranked “respectful treatment of all employees at all levels” as the top factor in job satisfaction. What's more, gossip and other unproductive activities put a drain on resources and morale.
72% of employees ranked “respectful treatment of all employees at all levels” as the top factor in job satisfaction.
4 Benefits of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
1. Enhanced Employee Engagement
Emotional intelligence fosters a positive work culture where employees feel valued, heard, and supported. When employees have leaders who understand their emotions and needs, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work. Engaged employees are more productive, take ownership of their tasks, and contribute proactively to the company's goals.
2. Improved Communication and Collaboration
Leaders with high emotional intelligence are effective communicators. They listen attentively, express empathy, and provide clear and constructive feedback. This open and transparent communication enhances understanding, reduces misunderstandings, and facilitates efficient collaboration among team members. As a result, productivity is enhanced as tasks are executed with clarity and coherence.
3. Reduced Employee Turnover
A leader's emotional intelligence significantly impacts employee satisfaction and retention. Employees who feel valued and supported will likely stay loyal to the organization. Emotionally intelligent leaders create an environment where employees' emotional well-being is prioritized, reducing stress and burnout. Lower employee turnover ensures continuity, minimizes disruptions and sustains productivity levels.
4. Productivity and Adaptation to Change
Emotional intelligence is vital for overall effective leadership. Leaders with high emotional intelligence can build strong relationships, resolve conflicts effectively, inspire and motivate employees, and adapt to changing circumstances.
By prioritizing emotional intelligence, companies can experience enhanced productivity through increased team engagement, collaboration and adaptability. Nurturing emotional intelligence among leaders should be a strategic priority for organizations aiming to create a positive work environment and drive long-term success.
Do you think emotional intelligence is as important as technical intelligence in leadership? Share your thoughts below.
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Thank you Dan, this is short but complete and very informative. Good subject.
2 years agoThanks, Jean!
2 years agoI believe emotional intelligence is as important, if not more important, than technical intelligence. If you haven’t already, check out Daniel Goleman who has numerous books on emotional intelligence.
2 years agoThanks for the tip, Martina!
2 years agoI had no idea how important emotional intelligence was while I was a self-employed bookkeeper. When you are a successful solopreneur working mostly by yourself, you don’t notice it. But when I got my job at Wagepoint, it became clear as day! Our CEO leads the entire company with Emotional Intelligence at its core. When working with close to 200 colleagues who all understand the importance of EI, it really enriches all our lives, both at work and at home.
2 years agoSo glad to hear leaders run their companies with EI in mind!
2 years agoI think emotional intelligence is so important. You can teach technical skills but it is much more difficult to teach emotional intelligence. You will be a more effective leader if you are capable of self-reflection and evaluation, and if you can anticipate and understand the impact that decisions have on your staff.
2 years agoThank you, Dan; emotional intelligence is not easy to acquire. We live double face life. We pretend to care for others, but it is not valid. I have experience working with individuals who behave empathetically but talk badly behind their backs. We all know how important this is, but we only talk about it. I would be thrilled to see when people start caring about others as weel.
2 years agoI believe it enables understanding and managing one’s emotions and those of others. Leaders with high emotional intelligence foster better communication, empathy, and collaboration, leading to stronger relationships, effective decision-making, and a positive work environment that drives productivity and organizational success.
2 years agoExactly! Thank you, Harman.
2 years agoVery Educative
1 year agoThank you 😊
1 year agoI’m a leader in a Christian group of about 60 members of different culture and educational level, but as the leader I listen to everyone, pick out important and none important to work on it.
1 year agoThis is great! Thank you, Jimmy!
1 year ago