Employee engagement will be more important than ever in 2023. With remote work and the ever-increasing need for productivity, companies need their employees to be fully engaged and invested in their work. However, employee engagement is more than just providing a positive work atmosphere; it's a comprehensive strategy that aligns with the business's goals and actively invests in the well-being of employees. 

What Is Causing Low Employee Engagement?

1. Remote Work Has Increased the Need for Engagement

Many companies have adopted a hybrid work model making it even more essential to keep employees engaged. When employees are working remotely, they can feel isolated and disconnected from their colleagues and the company. Check out this 17th Floor free resource for building community in a hybrid world.

2. Lack of Recognition and Limited Opportunities for Growth

Employees who feel their efforts are going unnoticed or unrecognized may lose motivation to put in their best effort. In the same way, when they don't see a clear path to advancement, they may feel stuck in their current position and become even more disengaged. Learn how to delegate and foster career growth to avoid this.

3. Poor Management and/or a Toxic Workplace Culture

Poor management practices such as lack of clear communication, micromanagement, or favouritism can lead to solid employee disengagement. Not to mention high stress, harassment, and lack of work-life balance. Find out how to design a company culture and establish its values according to Avanti.

What Are the Latest Employee Engagement Stats in Canada?

Gallup recently published its annual State of the Global Workplace report, which states that only 21% of employees are engaged at work, and 33% are thriving in their overall well-being. However, the U.S. and Canada region remains the best region in the world to be an employee compared to the rest of the world.

Do you want to read the complete report by Gallup? Download it here.

While employee engagement is higher in the US and Canada compared to the rest of the world (33% vs 21%), the number is not high. Having 67% of North American employees disengaged shows us that addressing employee engagement will be vital for companies this year.

As Gallup puts it, organizations that take responsibility for the well-being of their employees are more likely to:

  • Attract more talent

  • Retain workers

  • See high productivity and performance

  • Improve the lives of their employees

Now is the time to take action, but addressing employee disengagement can be a complex and ongoing process. Luckily there are some strategies that can help overturn this.

Do you also find that employees are disengaged in your company? Tell us in the comments section your go-to strategy for increasing employee engagement. 


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