"Gamification in the workplace is the use of game techniques in a non-game context. Companies create internal competitions to engage employees in a healthy "race" and incorporate scores, levels, and prizes, as extra motivation," defines Christina Pavlou.
"Today, companies worldwide are now using it to great effect to enhance user engagement and productivity. In fact, 85% of employees are shown to be more engaged when gamification solutions are applied to their workplace," according to Growth Engineering.
So, what can we expect from adding gamification to our company? According to Asavari Sharma, these are 6 examples of how adopting a gamification strategy can positively impact your company and drive employee engagement.
1. Converts "Learning" Into A Fun Game
Gamification comes in handy while onboarding new employees and orienting existing ones on products and policies. Guided eLearning programs or video tutorials save time and company costs, but, at the same time, they fetch little employee enthusiasm. EdApp's made a great list of 13 gamification training software you can check and try.
2. Ensures Strong Teamwork
To strengthen teamwork and bring better results, reward team members based on their speed, efficiency, and quality of support. This is because it triggers an urge to not only perform as an individual but also break records as a team. Besides, this focused gaming tactic is an excellent option to get new team members off to a great start.
You can get support from Project Management software to help you track performance and create leaderboards.
3. Improves Sales Team Collaboration
The sales business is highly competitive, and the process of closing the deal is long enough, and sometimes it doesn't take place at all. If a sales manager rewards performers who walk the extra mile to help out their colleagues, their performance will automatically improve. Therefore, gamification can drive friendly sales competitions that yield individual results and push the business forward.
Not all rewards have to involve spending a lot of money on salaries or bonuses. You can check creative and affordable options here.
4. Focuses On Innovation And Product Development
Whether it is about submitting an effective content plan for the next quarter or designing a revolutionary product software for the company, employees will keep up with the impressive work as long as they are being recognized for it. With gamification, these subjective efforts can be identified and rewarded through gift cards or a one-hour luncheon with the CEO. The organization should reward top ideas and innovation across all departments for future quality deliverables.
5. Accelerates Feedback And Performance Reviews
If an employee scores less, it is an indicator that there is scope for improvement. Gamification eliminates the traditional concept of yearly performance reports. It provides peer recognition and feedback, which enable career advancement rather frequently. A gamified platform can track the scope or opportunities for improvement and make them available to employees to enhance their current skillset.
Take, for example, The 17th Floor's leaderboard to see how this type of tool can help you with tracking and comparing employee performance.
Does your company use gamification techniques? Share in the comments what benefits or problems you see as a result.
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1 Comment
We do use gamification techniques in a sense. I’ve always been a big believer that you learn more easily when having fun and integrating the new employees in a team setting is good for engagement from the start. I have however, witnessed the ‘over’ competitiveness come out in people……not so fun then.
2 years ago