Sonia PangSonia Pang
Member since Sep 2022

    Hi Michelle,

    I switched from Ceridian to ADP in April this year and do not recommend ADP in this moment as they have too many bugs and uncertainties in the program. Since deployment, I have spoken with numerous supports in different area, TLM and Payroll who are kind of helpful but not knowledgeable. I escalated recently an issue of employees who work from home in Quebec but paid in Ontario. ADP told me they are unable to remit to CNESST for the employees and I have to remit to the government for these small group of employees. Their supports always suggest product feedback to their program developer for any issues they are unable to resolve or answer. It is very annoying. I’d wait not to change to them until their program is getting more mature.


    December 7, 2023 at 16:39